Motivational Speaker Scott Maloney And IINII are waiving their program fees to offer a school district the opportunity to have one of their schools experience their dynamic school program. The school district will only be responsible for actual travel and lodging costs and will incur no other costs. Motivational Speaker Scott Maloney joined forces with IINII to create a revolutionary experience for your students, staff and community members designed to create a trauma-sensitive environment. Scott shares his life-altering story of how one poor decision while under the influence of alcohol turned into an unimaginable nightmare that changed the course of his life forever. Scott is masterful at relating to students, their experiences, and the peer pressure that is so prevalent in our society.
The expert staff at IINII follow up Scott’s presentation with an innovative empathy mapping process intended to help students, school personnel, and community members develop an understanding and appreciation of one’s sense of self and what they value in and out of school. The combined experience helps the school community develop an authentic youth-adult partnership where both contribute their perspectives towards creating a vibrant school community that promotes positive self-esteem. To be considered for this exciting opportunity send a 250 or less word document describing your school district to iinii@iinii.orgor to learn more about this opportunity for your school community or to receive a proposal please contact Shawn at or 1800-507-2502.
