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Compassionate Communication Re-Wires the Brain


Compassionate Communication can transform a difficult conversation into a deeply satisfying one, literally in a matter of a few minutes. By using the 12-step approach developed by Newberg and Waldman parents and youth leaders can help young people develop critical communication skills that can reduce the stress associated with transitioning through adolescence. The authors contend that new research demonstrates that words and how they are used can change the function of the brain. The strategies of Compassionate Communication include 1) Relax, 2) Stay present, 3) Cultivate inner silence, 4) Increase positivity, 5) Reflect on your deepest values, 6) Access a pleasant memory, 7) Observe nonverbal cues, 8) Express appreciation, 9) Speak warmly, 10) Speak slowly, 11) Speak briefly, and 12) Listen deeply. The experienced staff at IINII can help your employees and young people develop the critical compassionate communication skills needed to solve complex interpersonal issues effectively.

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